I don’t like to play in playgrounds. Well, actually I do but not ALL the time, only when I want to. I don’t want it to be an automatic expectation that I’m going to be playing just because we go to a playground.
I don’t want my kids to rely on me to be able to play themselves. In my opinion, kids should be able to play by themselves even if there are no parents or mates around.
So you want kids to be bored and lonely?
No! I didn’t say that. Well, actually I think boredom is a great mother of inventions. Kids (and adults) who knows how to turn a boring situation into something enjoyable will have a richer life.
Kids fed with every kind of stimulation won’t need fantasy to come up with games or pretend play. Giving a kid some space to figure out how to create their own world from sticks and rocks is a far greater gift than seeing to that there’s always something fun to do.
In the same way, kids that are always having a parent hanging over the shoulder, picking up, lifting over obstacles, putting on slides, won’t have to learn how to fall down, climb over or get on to that slide.
You have to be there for your kids, but you shouldn’t be afraid to take a step back and let them explore their world, learn and get the feel for things. Yeah, it might mean a scrape or a bump – this is something worth to avoid – but not at any cost.
Childhood is where you get bruises on your ankles and bumps on your head but even more; it’s when you learn to avoid them, by making mistakes and learning from them. Sure, learning by listening to other people’s experiences are great, but some things have to be learnt by doing.
You enjoy seeing kids falling and hurting themselves?
No, of course not! I just believe that kids who have always got someone walking above them trying to foresee any and every minor mishap won’t feel safe unless they have that guardian all the time. To give a child a sense of self-esteem, they have to know there’s a safe haven: you. And that they can manage to do things on their own until you are needed.
So if your kids cry in the playground, you’ll get off your butt and help out?
Yeah, sure I will! What kind of weird interview is this?!
Well, this isn’t really an interview now is it, as you’re writing both parts. Wrap it up now!
Oh, yeah that’s right. And to answer the previous question, I will, of course, help my kids.
Not only if they´re hurt, but I’ll be there to acknowledge their feelings. If my kids have a fun time or something is scary or hard I’ll be there to confirm what they’re feeling, put words on them. I’ll pick em up and be the safe haven when they feel they need it.
All of the above thoughts are based on attachment theory, which is a psychological model on human co-interaction. How kids are attached to their parents or caregivers and how that influences their adult life.
There’s a popular movement called Attachment Parenting who’s trying to implement the theory. Check that out over here.
We’ll be talking about attachment theory later on and if you might have heard stuff about attachment parenting (AP) you might like to have a look at this where we’ll tell you if it’s heaven or hell.
And if you like the thought about giving your kids some free range movement, there’s this really cool thing called Free Ranged Kids created by the Worlds Worst Mom, you should check out.
That’s it for now, just let those kids run wild and watch them grow physically, mentally and self-esteemly!
All of the above thoughts are based on attachment theory, which is a psychological model on human co-interaction. How kids are attached to their parents or caregivers and how that influences their adult life.
There’s a popular movement called Attachment Parenting who’s trying to implement the theory. Check that out over here.
We’ll be talking about attachment theory later on and if you might have heard stuff about attachment parenting (AP) you might like to have a look at this where we’ll tell you if it’s heaven or hell.
And if you like the thought about giving your kids some free range movement, there’s this really cool thing called Free Ranged Kids created by the Worlds Worst Mom, you should check out.
That’s it for now, just let those kids run wild and watch them grow physically, mentally and self-esteemly!

And the above statement, ladies and gentlemen, goes for both fish and kids.
I try to do something similar with my daughter, let her roam a bit. I just thought it was a cool thing to do and didn’t think there was any science behind it 🙂
Nice! Well, I think for some this comes very natural, while some people get over protecting and cause their kids to they can’t manage to do things on their own. Anyways, I’m so happy you liked the post and welcome back!
//Ola – Healthy Whale publisher